NightHawkrock (Progressive Rock) |
Carline and Michael Maroon, Genre blends into progressive rock, pop, rock ballads. Vocals and instruments, which includes: guitars, Roland guitar synth, piano, organ, strings,keyboard synthesizer, va... |
Cuerock (Progressive Rock) |
Welcome They are BACK ! After a long sleep, due to the band not only having lost their bassist but at the same time a very close friend, their enthusiasm was thwarted in carrying on as a band. Howe... |
Julian Thome (Progressive Rock) |
Julian Thome (*September 19, 1991, Sinsheim, Germany) is a german singer, songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist, percussionist and leader of the "Julian Thome Band" since March 2010.
Aft... |
Theodore Kalantzakos (Progressive Rock) |
Theodore Kalantzakos is a professional electric guitar player and a registered RGT tutor (Thames Valley University, London College of Music). He teaches in the Art Music School Fakanas and is Official... |
OCELL_NEGRE (Progressive Rock) |
We don't want to make you bored giving all unnecessary information about each member of the project, we only want you to know that OCELL NEGRE is a group of friends from different environments, a grou... |
OCELL NEGRE (Progressive Rock) |
We don't want to make you bored giving all unnecessary information about each member of the project, we only want you to know that OCELL NEGRE is a group of friends from different environments, a gro... |